More than nine million vehicles were involved in auto accidents in the United States in 2020, injuring over 2.28 million people and claiming 38,824 lives. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that car accidents were the second-highest cause of accidental deaths in the same year. This same report states that for people under 45, car crashes were the most common cause of death. 

Since car accidents claim so many lives and cause millions of injuries yearly, there has been a lot of research about the leading causes of car accidents and how to prevent them. Today, distracted driving is one of the most common causes of car accidents. What is distracted driving, and how many people are affected by distracted driving accidents each year? Let’s look closer at car accidents caused by distracted driving and how a personal injury lawyer can help if you’ve been in a distracted driving accident.


    What is distracted driving?

    Anything that reduces a driver’s attention on the road is distracted driving. Drivers need to concentrate and stay alert, looking for changes in road conditions while driving. Motorists should also be aware of the actions of drivers and pedestrians to prevent accidents. Suppose a pedestrian walks on ice and suffers a slip and fall in a crosswalk. A distracted driver doesn’t see them fall and hits them with their vehicle. The driver may be partially or fully liable for their injuries or solely responsible for their wrongful death if they die.

    2 men assess the damage to their vehicles after a car accident.

    Different types of distracted driving 

    Causes of distracted driving crashes fall into four categories. Distracted driving is anything that affects drivers in one or more of the following ways:

    • Auditory impact: Hearing horns, sirens, bells, or voices can alert motorists to potential safety hazards. Drivers may get into a distracted driving accident if they can’t hear.
      Read More about Driving with loud music.
    • Mental impact: Mental distractions can impair a driver’s ability to process environmental changes, resulting in accidents. Suppose you’re replaying an argument you had with your spouse while driving. You may not notice a pedestrian crosswalk or a vehicle that’s stopped in front of you.
    • Physical impact: Drivers use their hands and feet while operating motor vehicles. When drivers use their hands to perform other tasks, they may lose control of the vehicle. Examples include rifling through a purse or briefcase while driving.
    • Visual impact: Drivers must keep their eyes on the road to ensure they know other motorists, pedestrians, and road conditions. Anything that prevents a driver from seeing the road is a visual distraction.

    How many accidents are caused by distracted driving? 

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that distracted driving accidents claimed 3,142 lives in 2020. In addition to the wrongful deaths stemming from distracted driving accidents, motorists driving while distracted injured more than 324,000 people.

    What percent of crashes are caused by distracted driving? 

    Distracted driving accidents can cause fatalities, injuries, and property damage. Some crashes may cause all three, while others may only damage vehicles. The percentage of crashes caused by distracted driving depends on the type of accident. It is based on accidents reported to the police. In some cases, accidents involving only property damage aren’t reported. Every state requires drivers in accidents causing a minimum damage cost to report an accident. Some states, such as Nevada, require all accidents causing damage to be reported. In contrast, other states require $500 or more in property damage before drivers contact the police.

    Fatal accidents 

    Accidents causing fatalities are severe car accidents resulting in wrongful death. The NHTSA reports that distracted driving caused 8% of all crashes involving a fatality in 2020. 

    Injury accidents 

    Injury accidents are any car accident that results in physical harm to a driver, vehicle occupant, bicyclist, or pedestrian. According to the NHTSA report, distracted driving played a role in 14% of injury accidents in 2020.

    How many people die from distracted driving? 

    More than 3,100 people died from distracted driving accidents in 2020. The NHTSA reports this number rose to 3,522 in 2021.

    What causes distractions while driving? 

    There are hundreds of potential causes of distracted driving accidents, but some causes are more common than others. Leading causes of distracted driving accidents include the following:

    • Adjusting stereo controls
    • Daydreaming
    • Eating or drinking while driving 
    • Looking for items in the car
    • Talking to passengers
    • Using a phone while driving

    What is the most dangerous distraction while driving?

    Although using a smartphone to text or make calls is the most common cause of distracted driving, it’s not the most common cause of distracted driving accidents. Trying to reach objects is the cause of distracted driving which is most likely to cause an accident.

    What should you do if you’ve been in a distracted driving accident? 

    You may be able to start dealing with your distracted driving accident at the accident scene if your injuries aren’t severe. You’re required to exchange contact and insurance information with other drivers involved. You must contact the police if anyone’s injured or killed in the accident. 

    Ask witnesses for their contact information so you can contact them later for statements. Use your cell phone to make notes about relevant details. For example, if the sun was low in the sky, it could have caused a visual distraction, preventing a motorist from seeing that a traffic light or road conditions had changed. 

    Use your phone to take videos and photos of the scene to preserve a record of the vehicle locations after the accident. Photos are also a great way to record information about other vehicles and the surrounding area. Also, note stores or buildings in the area with security cameras.

    You can contact a car accident lawyer while still at the scene. A phone consultation is a great way to get immediate answers to your questions. Your lawyer will explain how to protect your rights, whether you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit, and the steps you should take after the police release you from the scene.

    What compensation can you seek after a distracted driving car accident? 

    Distracted driving accident victims can pursue a personal injury claim if another driver was at fault for their accident. Accident victims can seek compensation for expenses such as medical bills. You can also seek compensation for pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and other ways your accident impacts your life. Some states allow accident victims to request punitive damages if the case meets the standard for awarding punitive damages.

    How can a distracted driving accident attorney help you after an accident? 

    Focus is on an unidentifiable lawyer working on paperwork at her desk.

    A car accident can be life-changing and leave you with more questions than answers. Healing from your injuries should be your priority, so let the experienced professionals at Adam S. Kutner, Injury Attorneys handle the legal issues. Our legal team is ready to discuss your case and explain your options after an accident. We’ll prepare your distracted driving lawsuit and seek fair compensation for your injuries.

    Call (702) 382-0000 For a Free Consultation

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    Adam S. Kutner reviews and testimonials

    “We were in a car accident – we were coming off of the interstate and were waiting – yielding at the exit and a car sped through the exit and smacked us in the rear.

    It was definitely scary especially because we had our baby in the car. My husband and I and our baby in the back seat. We definitely – immediately went back in and checked on her to make sure she was okay.

    We definitely had back pains my daughter had headaches. She kept holding her head and crying. It was pretty bad. I remember seeing a couple billboards and a friend of mine did say they had a pleasant experience with Adam Kutner, so we called them right up. They definitely were thorough, and you could tell just by talking to the people in the office that they genuinely cared about their clients.

    They contacted us saying you know, explain the process on how the settlement gets done and about a week after that happened we had our settlement which was great and in my opinion Adam S. Kutner is the best attorney in Las Vegas.”

    – Janae Reynolds. 5/5 Stars


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      Adam s. Kutner - las vegas car accident lawyer
      Adam S. Kutner

      With more than 34 years of experience fighting for victims of personal injury in the Las Vegas Valley, attorney Adam S. Kutner knows his way around the Nevada court system and how to get clients their settlement promptly and trouble-free.