Semi-trucks, delivery vans, and other heavy trucks can cause catastrophic injuries when they collide with pedestrians, automobiles, or motorcycles. If you suffered an accident due to a negligent truck driver, a Paradise truck accident attorney at Adam S. Kutner, Injury Attorneys, can help you recover the compensation you deserve.


    Nevada Truck Accident Laws

    Nevada negligence law determines liability for truck accidents. Negligence means a trucking company failed to exercise reasonable care, causing injuries.Under Nevada’s law of vicarious liability, employers are responsible for negligent acts of employees that occur while they are working. For example, a trucking company may be liable for an accident resulting from an unbalanced load or damaged equipment.

    A damaged semi-truck after being in an accident.

    Truck Crash Types In Paradise, Nevada

    Our Paradise truck accident lawyers can gather evidence to prove liability for your injuries from the following types of truck crashes:

    Rear-End Collisions

    Heavy trucks are difficult to stop, and distracted drivers or brake malfunctions can lead to a crash.

    Sideswipe Accidents

    Trucks have large blind spots below the cab, along both sides of the trailer, and to the rear of the vehicle. Sideswipe accidents can happen when drivers change lanes or turn without looking.

    Jackknife Accidents

    Jackknife accidents can have mechanical causes, including defective brakes or tires. They can also result from dangerous driving behaviors, like speeding or taking curves too sharply. 

    Head-on Collisions

    Fatigue or unfamiliarity with the route can send a truck driver the wrong way on a one-way street or into oncoming traffic. 


    Rollovers can result from improper loading, mechanical failures, or poor driving. 


    Override accidents happen when the front of a semi-truck rolls over the top of another vehicle in a collision, often crushing it.


    Underrides occur when a smaller vehicle crashes into a semi-truck and goes underneath the truck partially or completely. They’re frequently fatal for the passengers in the smaller vehicle.

    Flying Debris

    Improperly loaded cargo can easily fly off truck and trailer beds. The result is a potentially deadly hazard for drivers, who may not have time to avoid the debris.

    Proving Fault In Paradise, NV, Truck Crash Cases

    To prove negligence, our Paradise truck accident lawyers gather evidence of the trucking company’s failure to meet reasonable safety standards. One of the most common truck accident questions concerns the type of evidence we need.

    Nevada law requires drivers to report accidents involving injury or death. The resulting police report identifies witnesses and provides a description of the crash site, helping us prove what happened in an insurance claim or at trial.

    Call (702) 382-0000 For a Free Consultation

    Who Can We Hold Liable For A Crash?

    Depending on the circumstances, a Paradise truck accident attorney can hold various parties liable for a traffic crash involving a big rig truck, including: 

    Truck Drivers

    Various forms of truck driver negligence can lead to liability for the driver, including traffic violations and violations of federal trucking rules.

    Trucking Companies

    Trucking company liability can arise in many ways, from the negligent hiring of truckers and contractors to improper use and maintenance of commercial vehicles.

    The Trucker’s Employer

    A truck driver’s employer may be held vicariously liable for negligent acts they commit, even when the employer wasn’t negligent in any way.

    Mechanic Shops

    Mechanic shops that perform substandard work on trucks can be held accountable for paying for accidents caused by their irresponsible labor.

    Loading Companies

    Loading companies must package and load cargo and freight in a reasonably safe manner, which involves respecting load limits and using industry-standard loading and securing methods and techniques.


    Vehicle and parts manufacturers must provide reasonably safe vehicles and associated equipment to avoid being held accountable for injuries caused by defective products.

    Common Causes Of Truck Accidents

    Truck driving errors are the most common cause of truck crashes. Such errors can include:

    • Speeding
    • Improper lookout
    • Inattention
    • Distracted driving
    • Fatigued driving
    • Intoxicated driving

    Equipment failures can also trigger a truck crash, while improper loading can cause a rollover or jackknife collision.

    Common Injuries In A Large Truck Accident

    A personal injury attorney from Adam S. Kutner, Injury Attorneys, can help if you have been injured in an accident. Common injuries include:


    Amputations happen when an accident severs a limb or causes such severe damage that doctors must remove it to save the victim’s life. 


    Burns can happen when fuel ignites after a truck accident. Chemical burns may result from crashes involving trucks carrying hazardous materials. 

    Back And Spine Injuries

    The force of a truck crash can cause the victim’s body to whip around inside the vehicle. 

    Head Injuries 

    Even if you do not strike your head on anything, the whipping forces you experience during a crash can jostle your brain, producing a concussion.


    Whiplash typically occurs when the head and neck experience a whipping motion caused by vehicle impacts and sudden stops. It can lead to serious debilitation.


    Bone fractures can cause significant pain, loss of use of a limb, and mobility issues. Victims often find themselves unable to work and engage in normal activities. 

    Pinched Nerve

    Delicate nerves can experience pinching in numerous ways. Pinched nerves can significantly disrupt one’s daily life and come with severe pain.

    Sprain Or Strain

    Sprains and strains can be just as debilitating as bone breaks. Along with causing intense pain, they frequently prevent victims from working.

    Chest Injury

    Blunt-force trauma is common in truck accidents, especially from steering wheels and flying objects. Victims can experience considerable internal damage when this occurs.

    Abrasion Or Laceration

    Abrasions and lacerations from truck accidents can occur in many ways, such as from broken glass, sharp metal, and the road itself.


    It’s not uncommon for truck accident victims to suffer paralysis, given the massive amounts of energy generated in these types of accidents. 

    What Kinds Of Trucks Are Most Seen In Accidents?

    Big rigs aren’t the only kind of commercial truck. The following types are common on the road and are frequently involved in accidents:

    Moving Vans

    Large moving vans can often be seen in towns and on highways. They’re especially prevalent in residential neighborhoods and suburbs, increasing the risk of a moving truck accident.

    Delivery Trucks

    With the rise of online ordering, delivery trucks are now ubiquitous. While they range in size, they all require special care to operate.

    Box Trucks

    Box trucks are standard in the delivery world. Their square shape and size make them more difficult to safely maneuver than standard vehicles.

    Sanitation Vehicles

    Improperly operated sanitation vehicles can wreak havoc in the neighborhoods they service. Workers must drive safely and ensure that their loads are safe.

    Fuel Trucks

    Fuel trucks present a particularly high risk in general. When driven negligently, they can lead to explosions and deadly fires in traffic.

    Cement Trucks

    These large and bulky yet necessary vehicles can be found anywhere construction is taking place. Their size and power make them deadly under the right circumstances.

    Dump Trucks

    Dump trucks help keep construction and other sites free of debris. However, they pose a significant risk when operated incorrectly or when hauling loads negligently.

    Semi-Trucks And 18-Wheelers

    These vehicles can weigh tens of thousands of pounds and measure the length of multiple cars, which is why drivers must have special licenses.

    What To Do After A Paradise Truck Accident

    After a large truck crashes into your vehicle, take the following actions:

    • Call 911
    • Check on the truck driver if you are able
    • Take pictures of the accident scene 
    • Get the names of any witnesses
    • Gather insurance information
    • Seek medical attention if necessary

    Next, speak to Paradise semi-truck accident attorneys right away.

    Call (702) 382-0000 For a Free Consultation

    The Impact Of Truck Accidents On Victims

    Physically, the trauma of a truck accident can be serious, causing injuries that range from broken bones to spinal cord damage. In the most unfortunate cases, truck accidents can be fatal. 

    The stress of truck crashes can also cause mental problems, including PTSD. 

    Types Of Compensation In A Truck Accident Case

    Our Paradise truck accident attorneys can seek accident compensation on your behalf. Economic losses encompass the financial impact of your injuries. These losses include past and future medical costs, lost income, and diminished future earnings.

    Non-economic losses encompass harder-to-measure harm, including:

    • Pain
    • Suffering
    • Disability
    • Dismemberment
    • Disfigurement

    Your Paradise truck accident attorney will explain the evidence needed to prove your losses.

    How To Start The Truck Accident Claims Process

    Federal laws require trucking companies to carry liability insurance and surety bonds to pay for crash-related losses. To start the claims process, you should:

    • Gather information about the crash
    • Contact our lawyers to discuss your accident
    • Collect your medical records
    • Keep records of your treatment

    Your Paradise Valley truck accident attorney will deal with insurers so you can focus on healing.

    Time Limit To File A Truck Accident Lawsuit

    Nevada requires you to file a lawsuit within two years of your crash. Speak to a Paradise truck accident attorney promptly.

    The best trucking accident attorney will tell you that the sooner you start the claim process, the sooner your lawyer may be able to settle or win your case.

    What Happens When Both Parties Share Fault?

    Nevada uses comparative negligence to allocate blame between the parties. If you get assigned a share of the fault, your compensation will be reduced proportionally. Thus, if you bear 20% of the blame, you can only get 80% of the available compensation.

    How Are Truck Accidents Different From Car Accidents?

    Car accidents are ordinarily far less destructive than mishaps involving large commercial vehicles.

    As the best truck accident attorneys will tell you, far more laws apply in truck accident cases than in standard car accidents.

    Most Common Types Of Evidence In Truck Accident Cases

    Paradise truck accident lawyers rely on solid evidence to win compensation for their clients. The following are the most common types of evidence used in trucking accident cases:

    Cell Phone Data

    Cell phone data and records can reveal whether and how a negligent driver used their phone while operating their vehicle.

    Witness Statements

    Witness statements can be strong evidence as to how an accident occurred. However, such statements must be collected as soon as possible after the accident.

    Surveillance And Traffic Camera Footage

    Some of the most compelling evidence can come from traffic cameras and surveillance footage taken from nearby homes or businesses.

    The Truck’s Black Box

    Like airplanes, commercial trucks contain black boxes to record important data that helps determine the cause of crashes involving commercial vehicles.

    The Driver’s Hours-Of-Service Logs

    Hours-of-service logs list the hours truckers drive, which can vary depending on the assignment, the type of cargo, and the driver’s experience.

    Testimony From Accident Reconstruction Specialists

    Accident reconstruction specialists fill in the blanks left by physical evidence. They analyze complex accidents, looking for signs of negligence, like an overloaded truck or speeding.

    Out-Of-State Drivers And Paradise Truck Accidents

    Out-of-state drivers involved in truck accidents in Nevada need a local commercial truck accident attorney to ensure they get the compensation they deserve. Nevada isn’t a no-fault insurance state, so those with no-fault insurance must follow liability rules instead.

    Moreover, Nevada has strict reporting requirements mandating that all injury accidents be reported to the Nevada DMV within 10 days.

    Why Choose A Paradise, NV, Truck Accident Attorney Near You?

    When you need a trusted Paradise truck accident attorney, the team at Adam S. Kutner, Injury Attorneys, is your premier choice. 

    Trucking companies fight claims because they know they could face significant damage awards or settlements for truck accidents. We have a proven track record of successfully standing up to powerful trucking companies.

    Call (702) 382-0000 for a free consultation

    Get a free consultation to learn how we can fight for you

    Areas We Service in Paradise Las Vegas, Nevada

    Boulder Junction | Paradise | Paradise Valley | Silverado Ranch | University District

    Truck accident that happened in las vegas, nevada

    Truck Accident Injury Testimonial

    “All my questions got answered and they were really informative
    Each staff member was kind and professional
    Overall I would give this office 5 stars across the board”

    Isaac Ali


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      Adam s. Kutner - las vegas car accident lawyer
      Adam S. Kutner

      With more than 34 years of experience fighting for victims of personal injury in the Las Vegas Valley, attorney Adam S. Kutner knows his way around the Nevada court system and how to get clients their settlement promptly and trouble-free.