Las Vegas’s status as a global tourist destination creates unique problems for drivers. In addition to traffic congestion, intoxicated drivers are pervasive. Even in Summerlin, impaired drivers traveling to or from Red Rock or the PGA-quality golf courses can cause crashes.

This problem is not limited to visitors. Nevada’s liberal liquor and marijuana laws mean that you could cross paths with an intoxicated driver at almost any time of day on any road in the Valley.

Drunk driving is the top cause of crashes, injuries, and fatalities in Nevada. The consequences could be catastrophic when you or a family member gets hit by a drunk or high driver in Summerlin. 

Fortunately, a drunk driving crash attorney from Adam S. Kutner, Injury Attorneys, can help. We can assist you in getting justice and compensation for the devastation a drunk driver has caused.


    What Are the Legal Consequences of a DUI Accident in Summerlin?

    There are a lot of myths surrounding impaired driving. Unfortunately, these myths have real-world consequences when drivers hit the road without the physical or cognitive skills to operate their vehicles safely.

    A woman holding a beer behind the wheel of a car with police lights behind her. Her head is in her hand as she leans over the steering wheel in distress.

    Drunk driving laws in Nevada prohibit people from driving under the following conditions:

    • The driver is under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or marijuana
    • The amount of alcohol or drugs in a driver’s blood or urine exceeds the legal limit

    Thus, if a driver is impaired, they violate criminal laws, even if their test results fall under the statutory limit. Even one drink can subject someone to arrest if it affects their physical or mental faculties while driving.

    Call (702) 382-0000 For a Free Consultation

    As the criminal laws suggest, any intoxicating substance can impair a driver. Contrary to what many marijuana smokers might believe, driving while high is just as dangerous as driving while drunk or under the influence of controlled substances. 

    All these substances cause dozens of fatal crashes in Nevada annually due to impairments, such as:

    • Poor judgment
    • Aggressive driving
    • Drowsiness
    • Inability to judge distance or speed
    • Slowed reflexes
    • Imbalance

    Unfortunately, police officers often catch impaired drivers only after they cause a drunk driving accident. While the criminal justice system can punish a drunk driver, it is not designed to secure compensation for accident victims.

    How Can a Lawyer Help If I’ve Been in a Drunk Driving Accident?

    Nevada uses a fault-based insurance system. After a crash, the liability for any injuries falls on the negligent driver. Negligence occurs when a driver fails to exercise reasonable care and causes a collision as a result.

    Anyone injured by a drunk driver can pursue an injury claim against them. In other words, a drunk driver will likely be found by a judge or jury to have acted negligently because they knew or should have known the risk they posed to others.

    In most cases, a drunk driving crash attorney handles these claims the same as any other type of car accident. If the drunk driver had auto insurance, the attorney prepares and files an injury or wrongful death claim against the drunk driver’s policy.

    Insurance companies cannot use a covered driver’s intoxication as an excuse to deny coverage. Nevada auto insurance usually covers drunk driving accidents. However, an insurer could deny a claim on other grounds, such as an expired policy.

    If the insurer refuses to pay or the driver has no insurance, a Summerlin drunk driving attorney files a lawsuit against the driver for maximum compensation. If this happens, the drunk driver may face two court cases. A criminal case could result in jail time and a fine, whereas a civil lawsuit could result in a damage award being owed to you.

    The compensation from an insurance settlement or damage award can address economic and non-economic losses. Economic losses include financial costs like medical expenses and income losses. Non-economic losses include quality-of-life losses like pain, suffering, and disability.

    What Should I Do Immediately After a Drunk Driving Accident in Summerlin, Nevada?

    Your actions after a crash can help preserve your legal rights to injury compensation. The following steps can put your injury attorney in a position to win or settle your case:

    • Stay at the accident scene
    • Call the police to report the crash
    • Cooperate with officers investigating the crash
    • See a doctor about your injuries
    • Search for a “drunk driving accident lawyer near me

    Your attorney will usually have additional suggestions for what you need to do in your case. For example, they will probably advise you to avoid discussing your accident or injuries with anyone except the police and prosecutors. In particular, you should avoid talking to the drunk driver’s insurance company.

    Contact Us To Learn How We Handle Summerlin Drunk Driving Cases

    A drunk driver can burden you with physical injuries and financial woes. Adam S. Kutner, Injury Attorneys, has extensive experience helping injured people fight for compensation to pay for medical and living expenses.

    Call (702) 382-0000 For a Free Consultation


    Chapter 484C – Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or a Prohibited Substance.

    Nevada Traffic Safety Crash Facts.

    Zero Fatalities.

    Adam S. Kutner reviews and testimonials

    “We were in a car accident – we were coming off of the interstate and were waiting – yielding at the exit and a car sped through the exit and smacked us in the rear.

    It was definitely scary especially because we had our baby in the car. My husband and I and our baby in the back seat. We definitely – immediately went back in and checked on her to make sure she was okay.

    We definitely had back pains my daughter had headaches. She kept holding her head and crying. It was pretty bad. I remember seeing a couple billboards and a friend of mine did say they had a pleasant experience with Adam Kutner, so we called them right up. They definitely were thorough, and you could tell just by talking to the people in the office that they genuinely cared about their clients.

    They contacted us saying you know, explain the process on how the settlement gets done and about a week after that happened we had our settlement which was great and in my opinion Adam S. Kutner is the best attorney in Las Vegas.”

    – Janae Reynolds. 5/5 Stars


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      Adam s. Kutner - las vegas car accident lawyer
      Adam S. Kutner

      With more than 33 years of experience fighting for victims of personal injury in the Las Vegas Valley, attorney Adam S. Kutner knows his way around the Nevada court system and how to get clients their settlement promptly and trouble-free.